Lot 52 measures 6310 square feet (gross) and is a flat, rectangular lot selling for $115,000 or $18 per square foot.
Take a drive into the Coral Haven neighborhood to properly envision the location for your new dream home. Lot 52 measures 6310 square feet (gross) and is a flat, rectangular lot selling for $115,000 or $18 per square foot. Do a drive by and give us a call.
The information presented here is deemed reliable, though not guaranteed.
Coral Haven Lot 52
$0.5000 USD
£0.3881 GBP
€0.4631 EUR
$0.7157 CAD
$1.3500 XCD
$3.3876 TTD
¥73.9749 JPY
元3.6235 CNY
₽44.6229 RUB
$78.4456 JMD